Before I started blogging, I used to keep a journal to record things. I’d write about my thoughts, things that happened, my happy moments, and the not-so-happy moments. I used it as a prayer journal, but also just to write down things I loved and the stuff that happened to me at a specific time in my life. I pulled it out the other night and read some of the pages. I was mostly laughing at myself (😂) but some things gave me so much nostalgia for the past. Especially when I was reading pages from being in college and living with Linds in our old apartment. The simple life!

I’ve always been a big believer in writing about your feelings. Putting your feelings into words can actually produce therapeutic effects in the brain.. so here’s 3 reasons for why I think you need to start writing about your feelings…

  1. You remember and learn. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but there is no better teacher than pain. When we are at our weakest we are the most malleable. I know those hard things are just tools God uses to mold us into the people he wants us to be. I swear, if we would just learn the first time around – He probably wouldn’t have to teach us the same lesson twice. So maybe if we write down our lessons, we’ll be more likely to not make the same mistake twice? When we know better, we do better. “The great thing about mistakes is that’s how you learn to not do the same thing again” —Bobbi Brown.
  2. It’s kind of like venting. Verbalizing our feelings makes our sadness, anger, and pain less intense. You get to see your thoughts down on paper (or computer screen) and think them over. It helps you to process things. It’s kind of like talking to a therapist – getting your feelings out so you can work through your problems in your mind before you try to take action. There are pictures and blog posts I love looking back on and reading, and there are some I’d rather archive and never read again. But, the ups and downs are all a part of your story that have molded you into a better, smarter, and stronger person.
  3. You can connect & relate to others. We all know there’s nothing that makes you feel more normal than the second someone else says “ no way, me too!” There’s just an incomparable kind of comfort that comes from knowing someone else understands your struggle, situation, or thoughts. Humans hate to feel alone. Alone in singleness, alone in our relationships, and alone in our hardships. That’s why relating to others and connecting with other people is so important. It makes you feel a little more normal!

Who else uses some kind of journal to write about their thoughts & feelings? If you don’t do it yet, try it this month! Thanks for reading and happy September! Just bought Bath & Body works fall candles so feeling pretty on top of things rn 😂 Happy LDW!

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  • Britt Emery

    Love this post, Olivia! I’m totally prayer journaler too for all the reasons you mentioned! It’s so helpful to process, to focus, and to be able to reflect and look back on. It’s part of the reason I love blogging – because it incorporates writing!

  • Elise Floyd

    Hey Olivia,

    What a great topic to write about.

    My mother had always encouraged my brother and I to keep a journal, but over the years I found it boring or I didn’t have anything of particular interest to write about. Most of the time, I would write out my frustration and anger instead of the joys and blessings God had given me. I only used journaling as an outlet to express my anger. I wish I had focused on the happy days, and the days that held the most meaning to me. Since my childhood (I’m a junior in college now, *whoohoo!*), I have written in little notebooks on and off and not particularly staying consistent, and even started a blog that I ended up neglecting.
    However, I have kept a journal for the past year, mainly making scribbles and jotting down memories of the special adventures my boyfriend and I have had. We have been together for almost a year and I – surprisingly – have kept a diary since our very first date. Granted, this sounds utterly cheesy, but given the fact that I’ve known him since I was 9 and hoped and prayed I could date him when I was old enough, this is nothing short than an answered prayer for my 9-year-old self.
    Since I’ve been relatively consistent for the past year, this has become a habit for me. I really have enjoyed going back and reading about what I thought was special on whatever random day I turned to. It somehow makes the memories more special and less like a moment that came and went.
    I really agree with you, its a way to look back and remember the things you’ve forgotten about, and most importantly, it’s a way to be entirely honest with yourself and a great outlet for discovering who you are through your own experiences, to determine what you believe, and show yourself the kind of person you were, and what to become.
    Sorry this post is so long, I just wanted to let you know that I think journaling is an art, as well as a fun exercise for the brain!
    Thanks for all your fabulous posts and stunning photos!
    – E from Nashville

  • May

    Sometimes I have a hard time talk to people about my feelings, but I have found the blogging really helps organize my thoughts and it’s a place where I can refer back on.

    May ||

  • Ina

    I started doing this long ago, but instead of writing I was voice recording myself so that I would be able to listen to myself later. I would express and record myself when I would feel bad and then I would listen to that when i would feel ok, and vice versa, it is really amazing how we tend to forget how we felt, so I think this is a great way to understand and help yourself go through different problems in your life.

  • Rachel Prochnow

    Love this! #3 really stood out to me-there really isn’t anything better than someone else empathizing!

  • Sarah Harlan

    I started a handwritten journal about three months ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I only write in it every couple weeks, but I hope one day to leave it to my children and so on! I’ve always felt there’s something therapeutic about writing too!

  • Heather Fitch

    Yes, I agree! And I love finding old journal entires, especially the ones where I talked about nothing when I was younger!lol I’m new to the blogging world and so far, I’ve loved writing down my feelings and getting things out of my head and into words. Thanks fro sharing!

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