NY hat | Similar Striped Romper | Denim Jacket with Hood | Coach Leather Gladiators | My new Louis Vuitton Saint Cloud Mm Cross Body Bag via The Lady Bag I’m so excited about!! We met in Palm Springs over the weekend and she’s the sweetest. Check out their site for more authentic, pre-owned, vintage bags, I’M A FAN! 🙂 | image: @aesthetiica

Purpose. It’s what gets us out of bed in the morning. Motivates us to work harder. Gives us the feeling that we’re actually making a difference in the world and in our relationships.

It’s not about the amount on your paycheck, your level of success, or how much ‘fame’ you’ve acquired. A sense of purpose comes down to how fulfilled you feel in your heart.

We spend a large portion of our lives working (the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime). So, with your job taking up a huge portion of your life, it’s safe to say your career choice has a big impact on your overall sense of purpose.

I didn’t write this post to convince you to quit your job (pls don’t) or to even start looking for a new one. I wrote this because I believe you can find purpose in exactly what you’re doing right now by changing a few things here and there. Here are a few of the things that have helped me find a higher purpose, and brought me to the realization that purpose in your career is built not found

1. Invest in the people you work with 

You spend countless hours with your coworkers, so if you haven’t already, it’s time to invest in those relationships. Doing this will make work a more enjoyable place. Ever since I started working full time with Alicia, I’ve felt so much more fulfilled in my job. This can be a lonely career path if you’re pursuing it all on your own, so bringing her onboard as a creative partner has been so awesome. We literally do everything together now – shoot, eat, email, travel, style outfits, hair, makeup, location scout, content plan, and even pray together. I also love so many of the PR girls, brand contacts, and my management team I email/talk on the phone with on a daily basis. I’m surrounded by a community of such powerful and positive women that I’ll never take for granted!

2. Think about the lives you’re impacting

Whether you’re coaching a team of high school cheerleaders, filling someone’s prescription, or operating on a body part.. no matter how big or small the task is,  you’re impacting lives! Nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than when I read your feedback and meet you guys in person. There are always going to be negative comments that I have to force myself to ignore (just like all of your have parts of your job you dislike), but the support and praise you guys send my way outweighs all of that. Nothing makes me feel more purpose than knowing I’m making an impact. Whether it’s outfit inspiration or life advice!

3. Make sure your work decisions align with your beliefs 

Peace comes from knowing your actions are aligning with your beliefs. This applies to both your personal and professional life. I only choose to work, promote, and collaborate with brands I believe in and companies I align with.

4. Acknowledge your accomplishments 

Our generation has a real problem with the grass-is-greener mentality. This alone is a huge contributing factor to the discontentment we feel in our careers (and other areas of our lives). If only I had her job, or if I could just make X much more money, then I’d feel fulfilled. You can get rid of this mindset by focusing on the things you’ve already accomplished and take time to celebrate how far you’ve come!

5. Bring God into your workplace

My mom is the cutest person and she printed out and highlighted a prayer for me to say in the morning before I start my work day. Thought it couldn’t hurt to share!

God, whose hands hold all matters of life, give me grace of success in the work that I do. Help me to give it the careful thought and the strict attention that will lead to success. Watch over me and govern my actions, that I may not mar its perfection. Show me how to give my best, and let me not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it. Make my life a successful one in that every duty you give to me, I do it well. Give me the blessing of your help and guidance, and suffer me not to fail. In Jesus’ name. Amen


6. Spend your hard earned money on the things you love 

Make time for and spend the money you work so hard for on the things and people that make you happy. I’m taking a REAL vacation – no work! – with Conner and another couple to Charleston for Memorial Day Weekend. It’s my first time and I’m so excited to see it 🙂

7. Learn new skills

Never stop learning! I spoke on a panel with some incredible women in the fashion & lifestyle industry last week at Coachella, and Diane Bekhor’s (SVP of BCBG) takeaway quote was to ALWAYS be a student of your business. As an entrepreneur, your education will never be complete. Success in life and business requires eternal education. Stay teachable and coachable in order to adapt, learn, and grow.

Anyone else have any advice to share when it comes to feeling fulfilled in your career? I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this topic 🙂 Comment below or on this Instagram post! xo, liv

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  • Dad

    Lots of great stuff on your career comments. I’m a student of yours now. I need to remember all that stuff every day. Love dad

      Olivia Rink

      I love you!! You know I struggle with this so these are good reminders (lots from mom!)

    • Joanna

      I’ve been a fan of yours since you cheered at UK! It’s been so fun to watch your career evolve into something that really inspires so many young women like myself. I can imagine your career gets lonely (as running an all star gym can too) and my faith has provided so much comfort and guidance in the times of loneliness. Thanks for the reminder and for sharing the beautiful prayer ! I love it! Keep doing your thing! You are impacting so many!

  • Liz Freeman

    LOVE this, Olivia! So much truth spoken here. Thank you for sharing! It’s so easy to get caught up in how much “better” everyone on social media around you seems to be doing… focusing on these things instead is very helpful! 😘

  • Sav

    Your dad’s comment is so sweet. Thank you for these amazing tips! As I graduate college next month and begin my future career, I will take with me these important tips. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  • chloe

    That prayer made me cry. How beautiful and uplifting. Thank you for the reminder that no matter how big or small, as long as you love what you do and you are impacting the lives around you, you’re doing great. This was just the reminder that I needed. Your work with Alicia inspires me daily. I’m a photographer and I’m looking for the same relationship. You girls rock and so happy you found each other. Everyone deserves to have a relationship like this.

  • Georgie Vlogs

    I’ve been realizing that I’m not on my “A-game” with my prayers and my relationship with God overall..I think it started out of fear to offend anyone with my beliefs or fate, but I’m noticing it starts that way and in a very small dosage but none the less it adds up and I’ve become..distant per say. I didn’t expect to receive this message here today, but I’m glad I stopped by! Thanks!

  • Lauren

    This is very helpful. I especially loved the prayer part! 🙏 Thank you for sharing and hope to hear more! ✨

  • Emily

    Great information and inspirational!! I agree with all of them! Thank you for putting that out there! I’m a fan! I quit my full time job that I was at for 10 years to work on my own purpose. It has been the most fulfilling feeling in my heart everrrr.

  • Lilli

    Love this, Olivia. Thank you for sharing this. It was exactly the reminder (and reset) I needed this week. Tell your mom thank you as well! That prayer is so true and a great way to start each day.

  • Katie

    This has been on my mind SO much lately. Sometimes I find myself unhappy with what I sale (I am a sales rep) but I have to keep in mind all the positive things that come along with it like flexibility and decent money. I am definitely going to use some of these ideas going forward! Xoxo

  • Brianna

    Great tips! 🙂
    Brianna |

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