Long time no talk! I took a break from writing on here to free up some time in my personal life and just slow down. It’s been healthy to step away from creating content on here and to adjust my focus a bit.
This year I’ve been working on creating better balance in my life. When it comes to work, having a social life, spending time with my fiancé, keeping up with family, catching up with friends, making time for God, getting enough rest, doing housework, making healthy meals, etc… 24 hours just never seems like enough. And the truth is…it’s because it’s not. If I’ve learned anything in this process, it’s that balance takes discipline, commitment, and sacrifice.
Simplifying my life is the main thing that’s lead me to more peace and fulfillment.Sometimes the most productive thing I can do for myself is to just slow down!
House a mess? The less you own, the less there is to clean.
Not enough time to read that book? Set and stick to social media limits.
Running on empty? Commit to going to bed earlier.
Feeling anxious? Spend 2 hours drinking coffee with grandma.
Lacking purpose? Talk to God.
Overwhelmed with work? Set boundaries with WFH hours.
I might not be as ‘productive’ in a worldly sense, but I’m realizing that’s not what it’s about. I finally finished the books laying on my nightstand for over a year. I’ve actually been able to keep up with a gratitude journal. I’ve had so many fun, long dinners on the patio with my parents. I’ve spent the sweetest moments with my grandma in her kitchen talking about life. I’ve found new hobbies with my future husband (pickleball anyone?). Lots of back porch sits. Grocery store runs with my mom. Sunday drives. Morning runs. A lot of little moments so great I forget to take a picture of them. When I’m too busy, I forget to make time for the simple things that make life so good.
I’ve been able to do this by gradually eliminating some of the things I thought were important, and replacing them with the things that are actually important.
If you’re like me, slowing down is not easy. I’m achievement driven, type-A, and an enneagram 6 (if you know…you know). It’s my comfort zone to constantly be working and planning ahead, so it’s been pretty obvious that God’s been working to loosen my grip on that control. Learning to rest and simplify life has been a challenge, but the more I work on it, the more comfortable I feel in the stillness.
The ‘hustle’ tells us if we just do more and have more…then we’ll be proud…successful…content. Then we’ll finally pause to enjoy the life all of our ‘hard work’ has earned us. It’s a never-ending cycle… “The more successful you become, the more distractions show up on your doorstep masquerading as opportunities”. (Michael Hyatt). So. True.
I’ve had to learn a new kind of discipline in order to create better balance in my life. Not the discipline that pushes you to work harder and longer, but actually the opposite. It’s been a personal victory for me to pump the breaks a little bit.
Someone messaged me the other night and told me that all of my ‘slower’ Indiana content at home with friends and family inspired and reminded them to nurture their own in the midst of such a crazy year… and that made me happy. I want to be a better leader by living a life that doesn’t just look good on the outside, but feels good on the inside.
2020 has brought a lot of uncertainty for so many of us, but at the same time, pushed us to focus on what’s truly important. “When everything is uncertain, everything that is truly important becomes clear”. It all begins and ends with our hearts ~ for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also 🙂 [Luke12:34].
If you read this, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my IG post tonight ❤️

Love the straight forward responses!! Good for you to take time to regroup and revive!!! Cheers!! Love!!
Thank you Kristina, thanks for reading 🙂
Loved this post Olivia! I’ve been doing the same and have been listening to lots of podcasts from Jay Shetty and Robin Sharma on balance and how to he happy in your soul. Thank you for writing this. It’s nice to know we’re all searching for that happiness and truth we all deserve 😊
Looking up these podcasts right now, thank you!
Loved this! I totally agree with what you’re saying about slowing down…I need to be reminded of that. I’d love to hear more about enneagrams, too, haha! I love personality stuff like that.
Love the update 🙂
Brianna | https://briannamarielifestyle.com/
Oh Liv I totally understand the slowing down to enjoy more of what’s important in your life! Also I have always been a fan of less is more! I love reading your posts & you sharing your thoughts & your heart & your relationship with God. Skyler is actually working on this same thing…. slowing down..(kinda) & less is more. She has always been a minimalist in so many ways! I can not tell you how happy it made me to read they you are getting married in your hometown! You will never regret that decision! So excited for you & your momma & Nani and your sweet dad! I know they say it’s the brides big day …. but it is a big day for them too! It’s one of the happiest days of their lives also, you are their pride & joy & they have always wanted the best for you & for you to be happy & have all that makes that happen! It’s a milestone for them & you both! I’m just so happy for all of you & will continue to follow all of your wedding update plans & I hope you enjoy every minute of this amazing journey to your wedding day & beyond! 💗💗💗 sorry I got so wordy! 😏