Now that the holidays are over and I’ve had some time to sit and wonder how in the world 2015 is already over, I wanted to share a few quotes I found that do a good job of summing up the things I learned, struggled with, and accomplished last year. I’ve been spending some quality time on Pinterest this week (the best therapist) and found someย clichรฉ but very relevant words pertaining to each lesson.
Life tip: if you’re looking for advice or peace of mind, pinteresting quotes about it never seems to fail.. words have so much power people! Take these quotes to heart and with you into 2016:
lesson to learn: After years of calling my mom and wondering how the heck she knows the answer/solution to every problem I’ve ever had, I finally realized what it takes to become that knowledgeable: lots of years of screwing things up on your own and figuring things out for yourself. Experience is the best teacher.
lesson to learn: This life is all about getting to the top, right? Or at least that’s what the world tells us. This year I started thinking a lot about the person I want to be when I “grow up” and who my role models are and why. There’s something to be said about powerful, successful women who are able to carry themselves with a soft, humble attitude. Success does not require arrogance, vanity, or pride. The women I admire most are the ones who carry themselves with a quiet confidence – there’s nothing more admirable than that.
lesson learned: There’s nothing more important to me than my family. The time I’ve been able to spend at home living with Nani and being close to my parents, siblings, and cousins is priceless. I’ve been so lucky to be in a situation where I can be close to the people I love while I figure out my own story. Put your priorities in place.
lesson learned: I started thinking of the people I truly admire, and why it is that I admire them, and it came down to a common characteristic:ย They do what they want, say what they want and do not require any kind of validation from any one else. There’s beauty in not caring what other people think and I have a feeling it leads to a much happier life.
lesson learned: It’s taken me 24 years to figure out that truly loving someone means to love without expecting anything in return. When there’s nothing in it for you. Selfless love is love in it’s pure form – free from selfishness and expectation. Putting someone else’s needs and happiness above your own is true Christ-like love. I fail at this every day but what a good reminder!
lesson learned: Probably the #1 thing I need to remind myself constantly.
lesson learned: It’s all about perspective.
lesson learned: We obsess over so many things that don’t matter. Save yourself the struggle and do away with the things that truly don’t matter.
lesson learned: Put the phone down, tune everyone else out, and experience your experiences
lesson learned: If you believe you can do something, that thought alone can take you a very far way. Be bold, take risks, and do things outside your comfort zone. Trick yourself into thinking you can do something, and chances are you probably will.
Favorite things this week:
Love pinterest quotes!
Sara | Lipstick, Lattes & Lunges
Thanks for reading Sara! ๐
This was a great post. I loved many of those quotes and they are very true in life
Really needed this today! Thanks for sharing. ๐
What a great post, thank you so much, the power of words are indeed very strong!
Such an inspirational post Olivia! The Tina Fey quote is my favorite – yes hard work is important but also if you don’t believe in yourself then who will? Such a great place to start with just building confidence in what you’re capable of ๐
Thanks for reading!! Tina Fey quotes are the best, she’s one of my favorites – always reminds me to never take life too seriously ๐
I love Pinterest and I also pin a lot of quotes to inspire me! I don’t know you at all, but I feel as a young woman who is entering her mid-twenties… you’ve probably definitely started to grow and are gaining a good grasp on life and being aware!! I adore that you look to your mom for advice… isn’t it amazing how moms know it all!? They really know best!! Haha… I also like how you touched on building each other up as women; that is sooo important… there are many jealous women (and men!) who seek to tear others down, and it’s tragic…but when you come across someone who wants to encourage and strengthen, it’s wonderful.
LOVE that Walt Whitman quote.
All the Cute
Today’s Post: Color Pop
Thanks for the sweet comment Amber!! That really means a lot to me, have a great weekend ๐
Love these. I find myself pinning quotes all the time just because!
Thanks for reading Kelsey ๐ and yes, GO CATS!
Yes! I love Pinterest for some good motivation. Sometimes, life can get so busy and chaotic.. it is so important to find a moment everyday just for yourself! Keep on inspiring and encouraging others Olivia! If I am ever in the area (or you’re in TEXAS!), I would love to meet you!!
Haha it’s amazing what a good quote can do for ya! Thanks so much Kelly, I would love to meet up. If I’m ever in the area we HAVE to meet! xoxo