olivia rink, olivia rink nyc, olivia rink new york moving, olivia rink new york city, nyc, new york city

A little over 5 months ago, we packed our bags for what we thought would be a short trip home to see our families and get some fresh air outside of NYC. I packed leggings, 2 sweatshirts, 1 dress, and pajamas.

….May turned into June…and all the sudden it was fall…

And that ‘short trip’ turned into nearly half of year away from NYC 🤯

New York is such an incredible place in normal times. I spent my days running all over town shooting with John, meeting friends for drinks, going to coffee meetings, brand launches, trying new restaurants with Con, and stopping by a cool event every night of the week. My first year and a half there was a complete marathon, I can barely process all of the awesome things I got to experience in those 18 months. 

Then March hit like a brick and everything came to a hard stop. Quarantine in NYC is much different than most places. Living quarters are tight, no backyards, porches, gyms, and hardly any nature. The reason people pay SO MUCH money to live in these compact boxes on top of each other is because of the opportunity that exists outside your apartment here. There was no denying New York had changed, and as sad as it was, we felt our hearts changing every time we saw something on the news about the city we barely recognized. 

Our lease is ending soon, so we made the decision to go back to New York for the last few weeks to pack everything up in a U-haul and move out.

We’re still waiting to know when NYC (and Conner’s office) will reopen, but for now we’re just doing our best to go with the flow and take things day by day until we have more answers. John is also moving out for the time being until the dust settles 😢 I still don’t think I’ve totally processed it all yet, but we’re all so happy to be headed back to New York to enjoy it for these last few weeks before life changes again. Then it’s back to Indiana to spend the next few months and the holidays! It’s so bittersweet, but we know it’s the right thing for us right now.

It’s uncomfortable to live in the middle of so many unknowns…especially while trying to plan a wedding. I’ve realized the only thing I can do is get more comfortable with not having our plans for the future figured out. That was one question so many of you asked on IG messages – what our future plans were for buying a house, settling down, kids, location, etc. If I’ve learned anything this year, it’s that the best way to fully live your life fully is to enjoy what you have while you have it. We can’t always wish our current season away waiting for ‘some day’. I’m so excited for what our future holds, but I am really loving this time in our lives so much right now, even if it’s not where I thought we’d be. So if you’re worried about your own timeline right now, I hope it makes you feel better to know I literally have zero plans for the future at the moment 🤷🏼💕

Never in a million years did I think at age 29 I’d be moving back in with my parents and my future husband…but after 2020 idk if anything will truly surprise me anymore 😅 The last 5 months have been an unexpected slice of heaven in small town Indiana. I mean having a BACKYARD! A front porch. GRASS. A car?? Driving to the grocery store (a trunk🙏🏼). The drive through! Space to workout. A driveway. FRESH AIR…I can’t believe how much more I appreciate the little things a Midwestern town has to offer after living in one of the biggest cities in the world.

It’s been a blessing for us to have all this time with my parents and Nani. When we drive back home to Indiana, I’m so excited to start working on a few interior projects in my Mom’s house I can’t wait to share with you ~ and we already can’t wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas at home! Plus wedding planning is so much easier at home with my mom ♡

We’re currently en route to NY as I type this. It’s SO CRAZY to think I left my entire life there (with a weekend bag 😅) almost half a year ago.

Who knew I needed so little to be so content.

It’s a good reminder that when things feel uncomfortable and God seems silent, you’re most likely right in the middle of exactly what He’s trying to teach you. Use these uncertain times as an invitation to seek Him more diligently. The timing will be perfect and eventually we’ll see – the only way to truly appreciate joy is by experiencing difficulty along the way.

(Say hi on Instagram tonight if you read and you’re in a similar situation of uncertainty ♥️ )

new york, new york city, olivia rink, olivia rink new york city, olivia rink nyc, olivia rink nyc move, nyc blogger, new york city blogger, 19 dutch, 19 dutch building
new york, new york city, olivia rink, olivia rink new york city, olivia rink nyc, olivia rink nyc move, nyc blogger, new york city blogger, 19 dutch, 19 dutch building
new york, new york city, olivia rink, olivia rink new york city, olivia rink nyc, olivia rink nyc move, nyc blogger, new york city blogger, 19 dutch, 19 dutch building
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  • Rachael

    I needed this post so much more than I can put into words. “It’s a good reminder that when things feel uncomfortable and God seems silent, you’re most likely right in the middle of exactly what He’s trying to teach you.” What you said is so true. I am currently 7 months pregnant and my husband plays professional hockey. We are unsure when the season will start but they are estimating it right around the time our baby is due. Moving at the end of the pregnancy if lucky (from Michigan to NY, in fact) or being separated with a newborn, really haunts me. I know in the middle of a storm He is always present. Thank you for sharing your story and being a reminder of His promises to never leave. I am so happy you are able to enjoy time with your family and sweet Nani. I lost both of my grandma’s and wish I could spend just an hour with them chatting about life. Our daughters middle name will be after both of them actually, Dorothy, was both of their names. Thank you for sharing your heart, I always love reading your posts and blogs. Xx

  • Lillia

    “It’s a good reminder that when things feel uncomfortable and God seems silent, you’re most likely right in the middle of exactly what He’s trying to teach you. ” – This is the line that made me tear up. God is good in the good times and bad. One thing quarantine has shown me is life is too precious. I lost my job at the end of July, on my birthday actually! But, in all of the madness and what am I going to do, I started blogging full time and now am making double my income, have an assistant who is ah-freaking-mazing, and overall have never felt more centered and whole. God has shown me that I am blessed and he provides in mysterious ways. Keep being the light and inspiring girl.

  • Jessica

    This is such a great post! 2020 has brought new perspective to so many people. Cheers to the next adventure ❤️

  • Kelsie

    “Who knew I needed so little to be so content.” — absolutely perfectly said.

  • Kristy

    I love your perspective so much! I’ve never lived in a huge city like NYC but have always dreamt of doing so. Your views and all your posts have been so inspiring.. We’ve always lived just outside of large cities in Queen suburbs areas with access to the city. I have to say I can’t imagine not having a yard or a garden or something to walk out too so I understand what you’ve been missing. You’re gonna have so much fun with this new chapter! Can’t wait to follow along. Has. we’ve always lived just outside of large cities in quaint suburbs areas with access to the city. I have to say I can’t imagine not having a yard or garden or something to walk out to each day so I understand what you’ve been missing. You’re going to have so much fun with this new chapter! Can’t wait to follow along. Hugs!! xoxo

  • Alisha

    I wish I could give you a big hug. Bless your heart. Always remember that God is working in the meanwhile. His way isn’t always our way. I struggle with this but I have to remember to trust in God. He’s always working. When Joseph was in the pit he didn’t know the rest of his story. He didn’t know what God had planned for him. Here’s some tips I’ve learned over time.

    1.You have to take it day by day and remember to keep God in perspective. Praise Him in good times and bad times. Praise Him always!
    2. It’s okay to take a deep breath and remember to talk to someone you trust. You are not alone in this.
    3. Lastly, trust in God with you whole heart. Which, I know you do. Know that God is in control and He is going to bring it to pass.

    Take some time for you and enjoy your small town in Indiana. I was raised in a very small town in Indiana and I miss it every day. Spend time with your family and enjoy the fresh air. You are making precious memories you will never forget (especially with Nani). Always remember God’s got you. 🙂

  • Brittnee Taylor Newman

    I know exactly how you feel but from opposite circumstances… my fiancé got a huge promotion at work in March and they’re moving us to New York City. We signed the paperwork exactly one week before they shut the whole country down. Every month they delay our move to the next month…I’m kind of terrified and overwhelmed by NYC, so it was already a scary move. But now for eight months we’ve watched the news and I’ve felt more and more apprehensive, and for witch months I’ve been waiting to rip the bandaid off and leave my church and all our friends. (While, at the same time, we’ve postponed our wedding TWICE due to COVID. 🙄) I trust my God and his plan but BOY is this year testing my faith and my resolve!

  • Stacey-Jay

    Was BLM one of the reasons you felt like NYC was so unpredictable?

  • Keyanna Suddreth

    Oh wow. I didn’t realize you were away from NYC all of this time and for as long of a time as it’s been! 2020 has definitely thrown a lot of curve balls our way. I’m glad that despite the discomfort from the uncertainties and the disappointments, you’re still acknowledging God and seeking Him in the midst of the chaos. So important!

    I know NYC is a place you love so much and that you were expecting to spend more time there. I’m sorry you guys are having to pack up and leave. But I’m happy for you that you’re able to stay with family in Indiana and have far more flexibilities and freedoms than you would’ve in NYC during this crazy time. I’m sure God has a great plan for you and your fiance and that everything will work out in a new and wonderful way for y’all.

    God bless you guys!


  • mary

    It was a dream of mine to live in NYC but after a few years, I missed the South so much. Of course, I can do without all the Bible Belt politics (NY turned me into a liberal agnostic) but I missed the trees, the sound of rain, the quiet and convenience. I’ve been back in Georgia and NC for 15 years now and I never take it for granted. New York is a fabulous place to visit and I will always feel a little bit like a New Yorker. Stay safe.

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