Hi, it’s been a while :,)
Posting about my ‘normal’ life has felt irrelevant lately, so I took a step back to reflect and learn. If anything, it’s been a good reminder that life goes on whether I post about it on Instagram or not 🙃 Every once in a while it’s good to disconnect. We all need it…even bloggers. With disconnection comes quiet and with quiet comes clarity.
Being away from social media did not mean neglecting the important issues plaguing our country right now. It was a decision to look up from my screen and start making changes in my heart, community, and the real world. While some of us are called to act boldly and speak loudly, others are called to lead softly and quietly.
The division and unrest in our country stems from deep rooted issues that are going to take us years to work through. Years that will require a desire for unity, not division. We can’t expect political leaders or the mainstream media to change our hearts, that is our responsibility.
Latasha Morrison said it perfectly:
“We want to remind you to not jump right into “fix it” mode. Learn to be still and listen and learn. Do not give into the temptation and engrained conditioning to “lead”. This does not mean take no actions—this means change the place from which you are taking those actions. Work from a posture of awareness and humility, always being open and flexible to change your process as you learn from Black people.”
Societal pressure to post or act in a certain way for the approval of others is a REAL thing. We all experience this in some form. I’m learning what it takes to resist the pressure to explain myself to strangers on the internet. Social media has been a hostile place to be lately, but bullying from behind a screen is nothing new on these platforms. There comes a point when you have to accept that what you do or say will never be enough for some people, but what matters is where your heart is and what it leads you to do.
Bloggers, celebrities, politicians, etc. should not be your moral compass. It’s so important to remind yourself of this when reading or listening to a public statement from someone you respect. “We cannot excessively idolize the people we admire – neither should we seek to find our identity in the words of others” (@asiyami_gold). Listen to different perspectives with an open mind, but do the research and internal work required to decide where YOU stand.
The last few months have opened my eyes to how fragile life is and the evil that exists all around us. I’ve done my research (and will continue to do so) and have had endless conversations that have shed light on the racial injustice in America. I understand that I will never be able to truly understand, but we all must come together to be a part of the solution.
As Christians, we are required to love all people – regardless of their background or appearance, stand up for what’s right at all times – not just when it’s trendy or popular, and develop a strong moral compass to guide our lives. We are required to love all human beings, not all human doings. This is HARD! Especially in a world filled with imperfect people. Hate comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. It is not black vs. white, left vs. right, church vs. secular. It is good vs. evil, and every day it’s our responsibility to combat hate in all forms.
2020 has shaken this world, but I know God is moving more than ever and things are being broken only to be built up stronger than before. I do my best to stay in my lane with style and wellness posts, but I will always use my voice to share God’s light whenever I can ~ whether it reaches 100 people or 100,000. I feel lucky to have the freedom and platform to share my heart with this community. You guys fill my career with purpose 🙂
IF you’ve made it this far, I’d love to hear from you tonight on my IG post – what is one person, podcast, article, etc. that’s had the biggest impact on you in the last few weeks? Mine was last weekend’s sermon from @southlandcc – watch it here.
Thank you for always listening ❤️

Love this blog post!!!!
Love everything you said. I truly believe we are being broken so that we can lift each other up. These times are for unity, and for standing together. I am scared of what’s to come, but I do believe God will always be my side ♥
Hey liv
Great reminder, thanks for the post!
Perfectly said, Liv! You are such a bright light in dark times. 💛
So well said, girlfriend! I couldn’t agree with you more. “staying in your lane” isn’t required when you feel the need to share what’s on your heart. I appreciate you so much for speaking out about such a huge issue. Lots of love <3
I’m speechless and thank you for understanding for your appreciation for me. Everything seems like a eye opener for us to realize that we all have to pleased our society and culture we live in ‘’ . Always reconnecting with yourself and who you are as person ! Rather than just be on the go and be something else to someone who wants us to be this way .
INCREDIBLE!!! Thanks so much for sharing💕
Perfectly said!! Thank you for being so encouraging
Olivia, you communicated this so well! Welcome back! 💕
So glad you’re back! It was a great time to educate ourselves!
Brianna | briannamarielifestyle.com/
Very well said! Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast “Relatable” has helped so much, in these times, of this world, as a Christian! ♥️
Loved reading your post always.
Well said. VERY well said!
Thank you. I really enjoyed reading that.
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