It’s impossible to get on here and post as if the world hasn’t been flipped upside down. With people getting sick, losing jobs, and businesses closing, there’s no question about the severity of this virus and how it will continue to affect us in the future. I’m so beyond grateful for the heroes on the front line of this pandemic who continue to put themselves at risk to save lives while we’re safe inside our homes. While we try to figure out how to stay away from people as much as possible, those in the health care field are gearing up to run into the fire. Anyone contributing to the operation of our everyday needs is someone we need to thank ❤️
The love and support I’ve seen in the social media community lately has been such a beautiful thing to witness. I truly believe in the positive impact of remaining hopeful and optimistic during this time ~ whether that means posting funny TikTok challenges to make people smile or teaming up to donate to those in need. We can all make a difference individually and together.
More than ever, we need to use this time to explore ways to find meaning and connection in our lives. Whether you want to finally just rest for a while and bond with your family, or start that big project you’ve been putting off ~ now is the time to finally do the things you were always “too busy” for. Hoping this post helps you to relax, feel grateful, find meaning, spark creativity, and reflect.
My At Home Playlist:
Some words I’ve saved from the internet:

Little cozy luxuries that make my day:
While the world is at a standstill as we wait for the opportunity to pick up from where we left off ~ cook new dishes, read good books, call your grandma, send your mom flowers, focus on your health, reminisce on old memories, make an online photo album, bond with your partner/husband, reflect introspectively, spend time with your kids, organize, slow down, and appreciate life’s little luxuries we tend to overlook in our busy lives.
Hi Olivia! I’ve been following you for years and you definitely inspired me to start my own blog! Thank you for sharing your playlist and staying positive during this tough time. I just posted a similar post on my blog with a playlist and a spring baking recipe; I love baking for my family while we are all at home. (: