A playlist for my fellow old souls:

Oldies + Other Gems’ 👵🏼💎🎶

When you wake up in the morning turn this on, add a fluffy robe, cup of coffee, and *poof*…you’re transported to the 1940’s 😉 (pairs well with wine too haha). Feel free to share it if you love it 🙂

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olivia rink playlist, olivia rink music, olivia rink oldies playlist, olivia rink throwback playlist, 1940s playlist, 1950s playlist, olivia rink classic playlist
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  • Keyanna Suddreth

    That robe looks like it could be one of the softest things ever! 😍

    Thanks for sharing your playlist! I love listening to new music and expanding my horizons with artists and songs I’ve never tried before.


  • Anna

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