This post has been sponsored by Nature’s Bounty. I received product and compensation, but all opinions are my own.
We’ve officially hit hibernation season, so I figured it was good timing to share my list of mind, body, & spirit self care tips to help get you through these brutal winter months. Staying healthy and taking care of yourself is not only about how you treat your body, but also how you nurture your mind & spirit too! Read on for a list of my favorite ways to maintain a positive spirit during hibernation season.
1. Nature’s Bounty® Hair, Skin and Nails Gummies: these gummies are the perfect basis for your beauty routine. I have used some of their rapid-release softgels before, but I love these delicious strawberry gummies that have biotin, a B-vitamin to help maintain healthy hair.* The supplement also contains Vitamins C & E which are both antioxidants Vitamin E contributes to skin health, and Vitamin C supports the production and formation of collagen* This is my #1 choice for Hair, Skin, & Nails gummies; you can shop them here on Amazon!
- Space Heater: Before you read any further, order yourself a space heater if you don’t already have one – it’ll be your new best friend this season.
- Hot Water with Lemon: I’ve been drinking hot water with lemon first thing in the morning when I wake up. It’s warm and comforting like coffee, but cleanses my system instead of giving me caffeine jitters. I wait until after I’ve had a full breakfast to drink coffee, and use the hot water with lemon as my morning drink. I’ve been drinking it at night before bed too! Water with lemon helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body and is also promotes digestion and increases your metabolism.
- Eat fruits & vegetables: To keep your iimmune system supported during the winter, get your nutrients and vitamins by eating healthy. Especially ones that are rich in antioxidants which can play a beneficial role in fighting off free-radicals and keep your body functioning at its best. Here’s how I’ve been weaving fruits & veggies into my meals:
- A handful of berries to your oatmeal (I’ve been doing blueberries + strawberries)
- Eat mushrooms, onion, spinach, peppers as sides with any meal you cook.
- Add banana slices to your peanut butter toast
- Warm bath or shower: I always instantly feel better after a hot bath or shower in the winter. Pro-tip: use relaxing oils and and towels from straight out of the dryer!
- WATER: challenge yourself to drink the recommended amount of eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
- SLEEP: get in to bed an hour earlier and read or listen to a podcast to wind down. Nothing makes me feel better than 8 solid hours of sleep.
- Make a get-well-kit: for if/when you do get sick this winter. Then you won’t have to leave the house when you start to feel crappy and you can stay home and rest up.
- Exercise your mind by reading & listening to podcasts(Current Podcast: The Porch)
- Draw or paint: my brother and one of my best friends recommended adult coloring books for a mindless way to unwind and now I love them. You can find a bunch on amazon.
- Make your home smell more relaxing: bath and body works candles do the trick for me!
- Turn on a Yule Log: – I put this West Elm Yule Log on my TV when I’m working at home and play whatever music I’m in the mood for. Yes I am a 50 yr old in a 27 year old’s body.. whatever.
- Make a relaxing sleep playlist on Spotify. I love this piano one.
- Devotional – a great way to start every morning, my favorites are this one + this one.
- Southland Church Online – I try to watch at least one of these per week. This message series is from the church I used to attend in college, love it so much!
- Phone Calls – I always save time on Sundays for check in calls with long distance family/friends
- Decorate/revamp a cozy space in your home & hibernate!
These are great tips that I needed to be reminded of–especially about drinking water and eating healthy!! Thanks for sharing!
Ashlee |
Omg I go to southland! I live in Lexington and I’ve been reading your blog wayyyy back when it was named something else! I even remember your UK cheer days!!! I adore you and your blog. When I was 18 you inspired me to start my own blog and I still read you weekly! You’re someone I’ve looked up to since my awkward high school phase lol
This is a great list! I myself love a good long hot bath at night to relax as well cuddle up with soft blankets.
I love a warm bath in the winter 🙂
Brianna |
Does it work I’m still taken it for the hair to grow longer
Great product!!!!!I love it!!!!
Hey girl! Firstly, I’m obsessed with your blog and omg your style!!! 😍🤤😍 (I spend wayyy too much money to recreate your space in my space). I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find the other pillows on your bed (not the velvet luster ones. I own those already because of you! 😉) but the white ones with the blush mixed in? Thank you for your beautiful blog. I always look forward to something new from you. Keep up the good work!
Great self-care tips for winter! If you’re looking to refresh your skin, Juvederm in Frisco, TX, is a fantastic option to restore volume and smooth out fine lines. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and keep your skin moisturized this season! Take care of yourself!