Photo Jul 24

Hi guys, hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday night! I spent some much needed time writing and reflecting on life and things I’m learning from living with roommates in a new city, developing my career in the professional world, and making time for the most important things:

On having roommates.. CHERISH THEM. Yes, people can people hard to live with at times, but in general, having a group of girls to live with (and split rent with!) when you’re in your twenties is like getting the sorority house experience I never had in college (or, getting a ’round two’ if you already did). I’m learning so much about life outside a relationship and a reminder of the happiness that comes along with investing your time and love into your friendships. If you’re moving to a new city, I highly suggest rooming with a couple other girls as opposed to living alone – there’s no better way to get adjusted to a new town than to do it with other girls in the same boat as you. Investing in these types of friendships is so crucial – your girlfriends are the relationships that will last a lifetime. They will always be the support system you need throughout all seasons of your life. Plus, some of my favorite (and most entertaining) moments in our house are our Sunday morning pow wows in the living room cracking up about about our collection of stories from the weekend.

On doing what you love.. If you’re waiting for the right time to start working towards the career you’ve always wanted or to experiment using your creative side professionally, I’m telling you, right now is the time! Start that online shop you’ve been wanting to open, buy your domain and create a blog about something you’re passionate about, turn your hobby into a money maker, or finally create the business idea you’ve been telling your friends about. I’ll never forget the day I decided I was going to do something crazy for once and try to start my own blog. Or the day I actually quit my job after moon-lighting my blog for a year to finally take it full time.  If you’re serious about starting something new and have the passion to fuel it, go for it and stop waiting for the right moment. Prepare for it to not be easy in the beginning (like, at all). I promise, waking up every morning with the ‘I LOVE what I do‘ feeling is the best feeling in the world. Move to a new city and take a risk, chances are you’ll be so happy you did. Do your research, put in the hard work (say goodbye to 8 hours of sleep a night), make the right connections, get good advice, put yourself in front of the right people, and be aggressive about your goals.

On your spiritual relationship.. Never forget to sort out your prorities. Half the time living here in the city I feel like a crazy person running around with a million things to do. I constantly have to remind myself to SLOW DOWN, live in the moment, enjoy people, create balance, and make time for the important things. Important things, like your spirituality that I regret to admit I let my busy schedule get in the way of sometimes. Even if it’s just watching your favorite online pastor or going to the church right in your neighborhood, nourish your soul for the week with spiritual guidance. You can fill your week with all kinds of things, but if you don’t fill it with God’s word you’re going to find yourself running on an empty tank. Constantly remind yourself to take time to thank Him for all that He’s doing in your life and all the people He’s having you cross paths with. Nothing is a coincidence, remember that and start living your life believing it.

As always, thanks for the support and for hanging around to read my thoughts. I always love your comments and e-mails in response to these posts – I love the love and it’s so cool to have real relationships with you girls who read my blog! xo, liv


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  • Lauren Nowaczyk

    I’m so glad you’re enjoying Chicago! It looks like you are having such a great time! Can I ask how you found your roommates? Did you know these girls before and everyone just decided to move to the city? Love your blog!

      Olivia Rink

      It’s the best city! One of my roommates is a friend from college, one was already living in our house, and the other is a friend of a friend! Thanks for reading 🙂

  • Emily

    I absolutely love the transparent relationship you have on your blog- as a long time follower of you and looking up to you as a cheerleader for UK- you are truly an inspiration to me and I am so excited to see your blog grow! I hope to start my own one day and I think now may be the time! Thanks again, Emily

      Olivia Rink

      Thank you so much for reading emily, that’s so cool to hear you’ve been following since my UK days! And yes, you should go for it! xo

  • Kara

    Some great lessons!! I’m so glad this new adventure is working out!


      Olivia Rink

      Thanks for reading Kara!

  • Kylie

    I seriously LOVE these types of posts from you! I enjoy your blog so much!

      Olivia Rink

      Thank you Kylie!!

  • Haily simmons

    I am IN LOVE with your bathing suits in these pictures. Do you care sharing where you purchased it?

  • Conley Morris

    I love this! I’m 18 years old and decided not to go the conventional route straight into college and will be packing my bags for Chicago in 2 weeks to follow my dreams of living and working in a big city! I love your advice and am so glad I happened upon your Instagram, I would say it’s fate:) looking forward to more posts!!

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