(wearing size XS)

Some mornings I wake up in a weird mood for no reason. Maybe it has to do with a bad dream…or possibly the weather?…but most of the time, there’s just no explanation. I’m assuming this happens to you every once in a while.. right?

Starting my day off in the right direction really all comes down to my thoughts – not my circumstances. If you make the decision to choose to be positive and grateful from the second you open your eyes in the morning, you will change your life. A happier life starts with a decision to not let your feelings or thoughts get the best of you.

Decision making is one thing I really struggle with. I put a ton of energy and effort into my decisions, so I guess it’s makes sense that this is something I get anxious about.  You guys know I’m such a quotes person, so I wanted to share this one I saw this morning that gave me so much peace of mind on the topic..

I’ve always had an appetite for well-expressed wisdom. I’m a deep thinker and I tend to always question things instead of just blindly accepting what I hear. I think quotes do such a good job of helping us see something in ourselves that we want to change or overcome. Here are a few of my favorites to get you through the week and make you think a little deeper.

We all have the power inside ourselves to change our mindset. It’s a conscious decision you make in the morning to NOT feel bad for yourself. To not compare yourself to other people or situations. Your power comes from knowing how to control your negative thinking. And there is so much power in that!! xo

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  • Andrea

    I love the “let yourself grow,” sometimes its so easy to get frustrated about not being in the place you thought you’d be at the age you are. It’s something I need to consistently remind myself, working hard will get me there.
    Great post girlie !

    Andrea |

  • Courtney

    Hi Olivia – thank you for sharing these inspirational quotes, I love them and they’re just what I needed!

    Amy Poehler’s quote resonated with me because I’ve felt really vulnerable starting a blog – I even kept it a secret from a lot of my friends, but I’ve slowly been trying to tell them and get comfortable with the fact that I’m putting myself out there.

    I’m also going to start adjusting my mindset to “thank you” instead of “sorry” – I am always apologizing for SOMETHING because I feel bad (probably when I shouldn’t anyways), but this seems like a wonderful way to turn it into a positive.

    Have a great Tuesday!

    • Candace Alen

      Me too! I’m constantly saying sorry even if it’s not my fault

  • Alle

    Wow, if there was anything I needed to read this week, this was it. The power of the mind is so true and mind over matter is a conscious state of thought!

  • Emma

    This was the first thing I read this morning and reading this quotes was such a great way to start the day! I totally agree that happiness is a choice! Thanks for sharing xo

  • Brianna

    I love these quotes! Thank you for sharing 🙂
    Brianna |

  • despoina tsinopoulou

    Hi OLivia, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I totally agree that happiness is a choice and it’s something that we should remind ourselves! Loved your post!

  • Elise

    Hi Olivia!
    Wow, thanks so much for sharing these. I couldn’t agree more with what you said. Being positive and having a good attitude is a mindset and a choice, even if you did wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Although I have always been (for the most part) a cheery person with a naturally optimistic mindset, but when I’m low… I’m very low. My favorite Bible verse that I have buried into my heart is 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
    Thank you for being vulnerable and open and honest about your beliefs within a self-centered and shallow society. It’s so nice to see a God-fearing woman like you breaking up the tide.
    -Love from Nashville!

  • Candace Alen

    Olivia this is so inspiring, I have been struggling as a new blogger. I am a very spiritual person and to only discuss fashion seemed empty and untrue to who I am as a whole. It is so refreshing to see you express yours, thank you for this wonderful post. I feel so encouraged to be more venerable with my future content.

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