Finally revealing my childhood bedroom re-design!! This time last year, Conner and I packed our bags for what we thought would be a weekend visit back home to my parents’ house in Indiana. Quite [...]
Every time spring rolls around it brings with it so many things to get excited about. Warmer weather, longer days, blooming trees, and (🥁)…The Kentucky Derby. If there’s one thing I [...]
I’ve always been a homebody, and because of it, I’ve come to realize the impact your living space has on your overall well being. Your space should be your own little haven, personalized to your [...]
There’s just something so therapeutic about organizing an area in your home that’s been stressing you out. Every time Horderly has come to our apartment, they’ve completely [...]
Good morning from NYC! There’s not much happening in my apartment just yet other than a bed and clothing rack 😂but… happy to say I have the coffee situation figured out! Handling the important [...]