Zara Sweater (s) | Similar Earrings

I’m heading home for Thanksgiving this week and couldn’t be more excited to see my family! This is the longest stretch I’ve ever spent away from home (6 whole months!), so I’m really looking forward to a relaxing week with my parents, siblings, cousins, and Nani. 

When I go home for the holidays I can usually fit everything I need in a small bag because my favorite thing to do when I go home is NOTHING. My mom and I love just hanging out in the kitchen or on the couch all day catching up and thinking of gift ideas for people. I’m excited to be home with her and my little sister so we can start planning and brainstorming wedding things 🙂

Like I said, my holiday packing list is always very small because you’ll rarely find me in anything other than a cozy sweater or comfy pajamas all week 😂 My parents do such a good job of making the house cozy with all the Christmas decor that I never want to leave the house! There’s one thing that I NEVER forget to bring home with me (or with me wherever I’m traveling)…my Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo. Not only is this a week where I give my feet a break from heels and face a break from makeup, but it’s also a good break for my hair from all the styling/washing.

Thanks to Not Your Mother’s Clean Freak, my curls can usually last much longer than usual. I use the dry shampoo in my roots and then the Double Take Texturizing Spray in my roots & throughout the ends for a more ‘tousled’ look. I also like using both of these products if I’m putting my hair up in a bun for extra volume/body. In these photos I’m rocking second-day-hair freshened up with these two products – a low maintenance look for a relaxing week at home. I’ve used these products for several years and have always loved the way they revive my second (or third!) day hair. 

We usually spend Thanksgiving with my mom’s side of the family (she’s the oldest of 7 siblings), but this year we are spending it with my dad’s side for the first time. Two traditions on this side of the family that I love: an annual pic with my cousin Jessi and sis Elena in matching Christmas pj’s AND our favorite holiday drinking game: Loopin’ Louie (a children’s game that we’ve managed to turn into a drinking game, haha)🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ll be sure to share more of this random tradition we’ve come up with over the years on my story this weekend, haha. 

Including my hair products used above and a few of my go-to comfy items I’m packing in my suitcase this year. Hope you guys have a good time with whoever you’re celebrating the holiday with this week/weekend!

Thank you to Not Your Mother’s for sponsoring this post

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