In inspiration, Uncategorized

Hi guys! After ONE YEAR of blogging, I decided it was time to take things to the next level by re-designing my website and doing some re-branding! The updated version will be easier to navigate, have a cleaner layout, and be more user friendly, etc. ALSO (!!), I will be re-branding my blog name & URL from to!

Once the new site launches in a few weeks, you can find me at the new web address! And if you type in my old site, you will automatically be re-directed to (yay for technology!). I wanted to simplify things across the board (all social platforms will still be @oliviarink) and put a little more of my personal style into the site. I CAN’T WAIT TO SHOW YOU!

SO, I just wanted to share a bit of the design process with you and talk a little bit about working with Genevieve from Crowhop. I put a lot of time in to picking the perfect graphic designer who understood my vision, had the skills to put my website dreams to life, and didn’t cost an arm and a leg. She’s been so great to work with, veryy fast, and has some serious coding skills. If you’re in the market for a web re-vamp or logo design, she’s your girl! Genevieve is offering special discounts to any clients who contact her between now and October 15th! Shoot her an e-mail at ( to discuss deets!

When we started working together, she had me pin images to a private Pinterest board of really anything I felt was inspiring and that aligned with the graphic aesthetic I was going for. As you can tell from some of the inspiration below, I wanted the site to be chic, classic, and feminine.

Thanks so much for the input you all gave in my recent survey. Reading through the comments seriously made me so happy I could cry (actually I did cry a little). You guys have no idea how rewarding your support is – it makes all the work completely worth it!
Let me know what you think of our design process and thanks for checking in 🙂
Images: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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Showing 8 comments
  • Megan Crean

    I just contacted her! I really want to rebrand my blog and make it more professional and more me! I hope she can help!

  • Olivia Rink

    She's so great, you'll love her! <3

  • Francis Baker

    Can't wait to see the new site!!

  • Olivia Rink

    Thanks Francis!

  • e_hos

    Can't wait for the new site! I'm sure it will be fabulous 🙂

  • Olivia Rink

    Thank you! I'm excited 🙂 🙂

  • penseess

    Although it’s a fantastic website, I think it would benefit from a little contemporary and artistic design, like using vector graphics elements – cardboard box , which are now popular among top web designers.

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  • […] She used plenty of white space, a clean and feminine font, and came up with the perfect color palette: light pinkish/peach against chic black. Brainstorming and sketching different ideas for the logo was so fun – we finally came up with a bold ‘O‘ with a delicate ‘loop’ (which may have been inspired by a long strand of hair!). Below is the inspiration we put together when for the ideas behind the design theme. You can read more about the beginning stages of the design process in this post. […]

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