TOP | SKIRT (wearing XS) | Red Suede Heels | Red Sunglasses | Watch | Red Earrings | Lipstick: MAC Red | Purse

In the midst of this crazy life, at the end of the day we’re all just looking for the same simple thing:


But how simple is it, really?

And is it even something we need to look for?

Is it something we can control?..

If you’re anything like me (an over-analytical, soul searching, overthinker), the first thing you should do in your search for happiness is realize it’s not something you’re just going to “figure out” one day. And that things don’t really just fall into place once you finally start making X amount of money, fall in love with the perfect person, or get in the best shape of your life. You can have everything the world can give – pleasure, possessions, power – but if you lack peace of mind, you will never be happy.

Ever wonder how certain people in your life are able to remain optimistic even in the worst circumstances? And then how others who seem to be surrounded by blessings are still unhappy (tbt to brit spears ‘lucky’ music video circa 2000)? I talked with some of the most joyful & carefree people in my life about what they do to foster this kind of happiness, and here are some of their answers…

Habits of Happy People

  1. They decide to be happy ahead of time – it’s a decision
  2. They make conscious decisions they’re going to be proud of
  3. They are obsessively grateful (one of my best friends, Blake, posted this yesterday and I ❤️it)
  4. They cultivate deep & fulfilling relationships
  5. But, they find contentment in themselves first, before relying on their relationships to make them happy
  6. They don’t take anything too personally 💁🏼
  7. They don’t waste energy on holding grudges
  8. They *LIVE IN THE MOMENT* by appreciating & “savoring” every little detail
  9. They focus less on efficiency and multi-tasking and more on the present task at hand
  10. They nurture their relationships 👫
  11. They worry more about other people’s problems than their own (MY MOM)
  12. They don’t play the comparison game
  13. They choose partners who allow them to be themselves & love them for exactly who they are
  14. They know how to find purpose in whatever career they’re in
  15. They invite God into every moment – good or bad 🙏🏻
  16. They remember the moments where they’ve been the happiest, and recreate them again & again.

I’ve been working on so many of these lately because this mindset doesn’t just stick overnight. It’s a continuous process of rewiring your brain to focusing on the positives. Thank you guys for reading this tonight! I’d love to hear about your “happy habits” – comment on my Instagram post tonight!

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  • Jason Holdway

    Love this ❤️

    • Alison Sanford

      I teared up again..I really needed to read this. Thank you so much!

  • Shalane

    I love this post. Being aggressively grateful is something I need to work on.

  • Brianna

    Love these! Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Brianna |

  • Amanda

    Live everything about this! Thank you!

  • Ariana Powell

    Love this. So important to remember… life is too short to be anything but happy! 🙂

  • May

    Love your outfit! So great for summer.

    May ||

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