‘Soulmate’ Sweatshirt (wearing petite S) | Ripped Jeans | Reebok Sneakers | YSL Wallet | Nails: OPI Funny Bunny

Hi guys! Hope you had a good weekend. Here’s a quick update about what’s happening lately that I felt like sharing – a new playlist, future plans, and some things I’m loving right now 🙂

My spring playlist..

What I’ve been listening to lately! (Camila Cabello’s ‘never be the same’ is so good)

Something that happened this week..

Rachel (my roommate) left for a mission trip to the Dominican Republic yesterday! I already miss having her here in the room next to mine, but I know this is going to be a life changing experience for her and can’t wait to hear all about it when she gets home. There’s no wifi, she didn’t pack a makeup bag, and won’t look at work emails for over a week – just a week of serving with her dad in Punta Cana! This is something I’ve always wanted to do and I’m really looking forward to making it happen someday soon.

Where I’m going next week..

Conner and I are going down to Kentucky to be with his family for a couple days before Easter next week, then we’re driving up to my family for Easter Sunday and Monday. Family is so important for both of us, so even though it’s a lot of traveling (flights & car time) it’s so worth it to make both trips. Plus, we get to be together when we’re going from place to place, and we love that.

QOTD from my Grandma..

We just got off the phone about an hour ago an she said “you know what LaLa (that’s what she calls me), the trick is to not take life or yourself too seriously. You always have to remember that.” So there ya go, words of wisdom for the week from Nani.

Next month..

COACHELLA! Just found out I’m going to Coachella with Tresemme in April and I’m so excited. I’ve never been so I have no idea what to expect, but all I know is Alicia and I are going together and The Weeknd, Cardi B, and Beyonce are in the lineup soooo, should be GREAT

Goals for April..

  1. Listen to more podcasts in my free time instead of getting on social media
  2. Organize my closet and get rid of old clothes (posting new things on @shopoliviarink soon!)

Instagram accounts I love:

@Effortlyss + @Tezzamb -two girls who are doing an incredible job of being inspiring and creative on social media, while keeping a down to earth mindset. (We’ll all be at Coachella together, pumped!)

Two places on my travel bucket list this year:

Paris & Hawaii

Watch this tonight if you missed church this morning..

A recent purchase I love:

This Vera Bradley robe I posted on my story the other day is the softest thing and the only thing I want to put on after I get out of the shower. And this wallet is my favorite recent purchase, I used my last wallet for 4 years so it was time for a new investment!

Something I’m looking forward to..

T Swift’s Reputation tour coming to Chicago in June! Who’s with me..

have a good week guys! xo liv

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  • Allison Rose Harrison

    I love this post 💕 have a wonderful week!!

  • Kristen

    I’m going to Taylor Swift in Nashville! I’m SO excited!

  • Leah

    Love this post!! What podcasts do you enjoy listening to? What platform do you listen to them on (Apples PodCast App or another one?)? Happy Early Easter, have safe travels! Xo❤️

  • Olivia Lagaly

    I love your Sunday night posts, I cozy up in bed and read them and so look forward to them! I made a new blog I would love your feedback on <3

  • Caitlyn Dimino

    Loved this post! If you do get to plan a trip to Hawaii let me know because I’ve gone throughout the different islands ever year since I was 12 and am getting married there next year! I’d love to give you tips on where to go and what to do. Have a happy Easter with Conner and your families 🐰💕

  • Evelyn Lowe

    This was a joy to read! I’d love for you to post things like your favorite playlists, recent purchases, and best Grandma quotes more often:)

  • Kelly Hoover

    Olivia!! I love posts like these. Of course I love your glamorous fashion ones, but I love hearing more about you and your heart! Makes me feel like we are friends haha! You’ve got some exciting things going on!!! How fun that you are working with Tresemme still!!!


    Kelly Hoover | The Glamorous Blonde

  • Payton

    I didn’t make it to church this morning and remembered about this post you had made. To anyone thinking about watching it, do it!!! It was just what I needed to hear and I plan on watching the rest of that series now. Thank you so much for that!

  • Rachel Spalding

    HI Liv! love following you and just wanted to share that I didn’t make it to church this morning but watched the video you posted. Thanks for following your heart and sharing that message!

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