Bryant Small Crossbody Hammitt Bag | Petite Studded Denim Jacket (wearing 0p) | Stretchy black Turtleneck Dress | Frye Mercer Booties | Metallic Dot Tights | Hoop Earrings

Hi guys! Hammitt is a brand I’ve carried as my go-to handbag for almost three years now. They reached out to me a while ago about working together to promote their collection, and ever since they sent my first bag, I’ve been hooked! I’m wearing the new Bryant crossbody in the pictures above that I styled with this simple denim outfit with metallic dot tights. Check out their site here to see the full collection of comfortable, casual, versatile, great quality, neutral colored handbags. Love them!

On another note, I wanted to share:

7 random, yet life changing tips

Answering texts on your computer: This one’s for all the other ‘bad texters’ out there.  At the end of the day/weekend, I like to go through and answer all my unanswered messages on my computer via the messaging application. It’s easier to type on a computer keyboard, so I can give much better (and faster) responses as opposed to answering on my phone. This won’t work for everyone, but since I’m always on my laptop or desktop, I love this method!

The One Minute Rule: My friend John told me about how he started following the one minute rule after hearing about it in the lifestyle podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin. The idea is to immediately do any tasks that come up if they will take one minute or less to complete. Hang up your coat, fill in a form, answer an email, put a dish in the dishwasher…and so on. It’s an easy rule to follow because these small tasks are quick, but produce long term organization results.

Call Your Mom/Grandma/Dad: Always, always carve time out of each week to schedule a phone call with someone you love that you don’t get to talk to or see quite enough. I FaceTime my parents usually once a week and it’s one important thing in this crazy life that keeps me sane!

Keep you shoes on: Studying or working in your home? It’s been proven that if you keep your shoes on while doing so, you’ll be more productive. Our minds associate having shoes on with being busy.

Have pre-made snack bags ready to go in the fridge: Constantly running late and eating at weird times throughout the day? I get really h-angry really easily, so I try to prep healthy little snack bags and keep them in the fridge to grab-n-go when I’m in a hurry.

Voice texting: You guys.. I sound like my 80 yr old grandma trying to figure out how to use an iPhone whenever I do this in public, but honestly it’s the best for multi-taskers. I’m lucky because most of the day I’m alone at my computer at home so I can be as obnoxious as I want – but try it out this week and let me know what you think, efficiency is key!

Keep a digital grocery list in our Notes app on your iPhone: This helps me to remember what I bought last time and makes shopping and meal planning easier.

Leave any of your random tips in the comments below or on this Instagram post! Thanks for reading you guys!

Photography by @Aesthetiica

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  • abbi charon

    these are some great tips! thanks for sharing! 💓🙃

    • Bintou

      I always write my groceries on my phone and give them cute emojis 🍞🥚⚪️🔘

  • Cathy

    I just heard about the leaving your shoes on trick! Such a good one! I am constantly telling Siri to set the timer for 20-30 minutes to help stay focused on certain tasks. Great post!

  • Elle

    Having pre-made snacks are a total life changer! And I agree on keeping shoes on. I am not productive at home if I’m hanging out in pj’s wrapped in a blanket

  • Katrina

    Just a helpful tip for anyone that likes an occasional mid-day nap. Set a timer for 15-2o minutes. You will get just enough sleep to feel refreshed without oversleeping and feeling groggy and delusional. I’m no scientist but I know it has to do with the timing of your sleep cycles and REM.

  • Jessica

    Such lovely pictures and wonderful life tips!

  • Jessica Richardson

    What do you use for texting on your computer? Does it work for all iphones?

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