Nicole Miller Vintage Floral Dress | Suede Jacket | Black Suede Booties | Hoops

I’ve been living in New York for two months now, and it’s been a total whirlwind in this crazy city.  I had my first official “I’m a New Yorker” moment about a month ago walking out of my apartment to my first day of meetings. Surrounded by skyscrapers, close walkers, sirens, and some pretty weird smells – it was an exciting, but intimidating feeling. At that point I couldn’t tell how I felt about the NYC buzz, but over the last few weeks I’ve caught myself raving about living here to just about everyone I talk to.

As a blogger, there really isn’t a better place to live if you want to be in the heart of all the action. There’s nothing cooler than living in a city where so many fashion brands and creative agencies are headquartered. The main difference between NY and Chicago when it comes to my job is all of the in-person brand meetings I get to go to on a daily basis. It’s been so great to step out from behind my computer and meet with the brands I partner with in person. Last week on an ordinary Monday, I had breakfast with the Net-A-Porter team, lunch with Victoria’s Secret PR, tea with Moroccanoil, and drinks with Maybelline (!!). There’s just so much opportunity here – it really is a creative’s dream.

Aside from work, I couldn’t be happier finally getting to be in the same city as Conner. When you’re long distance and weekend visits/Face Time calls are all you know, you really don’t realize what you’re missing out on. I knew it was going to be so much better for it to finally feel like a “real” relationship when I got here, but I’m overwhelmed with how happy I am to finally just have my best friend with me at all times. Our favorite things to do together now are all the simple, non-exciting, every day things. We’re having so much fun here both working hard in our careers and I couldn’t think of a better way for us to spend this time in our lives together 😊

 Aside from all the Carrie Bradshaw moments, I’ve had PLENTY of not-so-glam experiences in the last two months – I’m sure I’ll eventually go into detail about all of the things they don’t tell you about living in New York 😂But just to give you a little preview – my first day learning to use the subway for back to back events/meetings ended in tears, blisters, elbows to the face, and an “I’m moving home immediately” text to my mom. I’m perpetually tired and spending way too much money, BUT New York is teaching me better than anything else what it means to thrive despite adversity. I know living here is going to teach me things I wouldn’t be able to learn any other way, and I’m so excited to see what this intoxicating city throws at me next.

Thanks for reading, talk to you guys soon!

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  • Shea Sterner

    As someone in a LDR relationship I’d love to see a post about your experience!

  • Melissa Kroll

    I moved to a city just outside of NYC from Chicago about a year ago and definitely have similar feelings. There is just something about NYC that is so magical, even when some moments are far from it. Congratulations! I love following you and seeing your latest adventures! Can’t wait to see more!!

  • Denise Whelan

    I felt the exact same way when I first moved here. The not to great things about the city grow on you and you truly learn to love and appreciate them. Also this city is the biggest and best teacher there is and it’s so humbling to be able to live in a place this epic. Welcome to NYC lovely, hope to see you around!

  • Katie

    I’ve been only in NYC for three months (from Florida) and still feel like a tourist! I never thought my life would bring me here, but now that it has, it seems like the most natural things in the world! Hope to see you around town.

  • Leslie

    I am moving to NYC in January and this post about sums up how I am expecting to feel. Thanks for sharing, it’s reassuring!

  • Ashley Kirsch

    Are the boots you tagged the boots you have on? When I clicked on the link they looked like they didn’t come up as high. I need some good sock booties & am having the hardest time finding some.

  • Tabitha

    Great post! It’s so cool hearing about your experience so far in NYC, and I can’t wait to hear about all the mishaps, lessons, and fun stuff. Honestly that’s were I can relate to you is through the hard stuff.


  • Brianna

    I’ve always wanted to live in New York for a little while. I visited a few years ago and will be going back this summer or fall 🙂 Can’t wait!

  • May

    I’m so glad that you are enjoying New York! It must be amazing to meet all your brands in person. Also, I feel like I always spend too much money too when I visit lol.

    May ||

  • Megan

    Lunch with VS PR?! Girl, you’re thriving! It must be so awesome to actually get to meet with these brands in person. Such a great career opportunity!

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