Green Gingham Sportsbra | Green Gingham Leggings | Nike Juvenate Sneakers | Similar White Zip Up Jacket

I loved the gingham trend all summer, so I’m happy to be bringing it into fall with this adorable dark green two-piece set. I’m wearing an XXS in the sports bra and and XXS in the leggings (also comes in black: top here, bottoms here). And these are my #1 favorite shoes to work out in. Exact pair is sold out, but here they are in white, grey, and black.

Ok guys, so yesterday I decided to start The Whole30 challenge.

Believe me (!!) a week ago I would’ve rolled my eyes at anyone who told me they were doing this. But, I was convinced it’s a good thing to try and I’m actually very interested to see how I feel at the end of these 30 days. In a nutshell, the Whole30 challenge is cutting: sugars, grains, legumes, dairy, and alcohol out of your diet for 30 days…

5 Reasons I decided to jump on the Whole30 train

  • “Everyone else is doing it” My best friend Linds, my boyfriend, my photographer, and now my roommates are doing it. Conner just started and he wanted me to do it with him for ‘moral support’.ย John has been doing it all month and keeps talking about how great he feels. And Linds is a registered she’s not exactly doing the Whole30, but a strict paleo diet.


  • Motivating Quote from the Whole30 site: “It is not hard. Donโ€™t you dare tell us this is hard. Quitting heroin is hard. Beating cancer is hard. Drinking your coffee black. Is. Not. Hard. You wonโ€™t get any coddling, and you wonโ€™t get any sympathy for your โ€˜strugglesโ€™.” Ok, well said.. challenge accepted. This quote is said to be the main motivator of the Whole30 Challenge.


  • Headaches. I’ve been dealing with a cycle of at least 5 headaches a month that last the entire day. They start in the morning right when I wake up and last until I go to sleep at night. Over-the-counter meds don’t help and neither does napping or drinking a bunch of water. The way you feel is directly linked to the food you put in our body, so I’m hoping eating clean will have a positive effect on these headaches!


  • Cravingsย – I have a package of peel apart Twizzlers in my desk drawer at all times (seriously, ask my roommates.. it’s a problem). Every time after I eat I crave some kind of sugary candy, and I’m pretty sure I could live on french fries and cereal. I do love all kinds of healthy foods, but most of the time I make excuses for how I’m too busy to prepare it. It’s time to put away the sour patch kids and work on curbing the constant cravings. So goodbye for now, candy aisle.


  • Bloating – It happens to all of us, and just makes you feel gross. Your body has so many negative reactions to the food you put in it – especially dairy, grain, sugar, and alcohol. Giving this challenge a test run to see how well it eliminates bloating. Maybe then Rachel and I will finally stop complaining about it, haha.

Here’s a picture of everything we bought at the grocery store this week that’s Whole30 approved.ย I’m going to be very up front and honest about how this challenge makes me feel and how hard it is because I’m the #1 most skeptical person when it comes to stuff like this. Thank you guys for following and I’ll keep you updated.. stay tuned! Comment below or on this Instagram picture if you have any advice for me, how it worked for you, and any other comments/questions. I’d love to hear from you!


Green, Red, Orange Peppers

Wonderfulยฎ Pistachios

Sweet Potatoes

Guacamole from Mariano’s

Large Eggs

Silk Almond Milk

Aide’s Chicken and Apple Sausage


Simple Truthยฎ Almond Butter



Honeycrisp Apples

Zucchini + Squash

Lara Bars Whole30 Approved:ย Apple Pie,ย Banana Bread,ย Carrot Cake,ย Cashew Cookie,ย Cherry Pie,ย Chocolate Coconut Chew,ย Coconut Cream Pie,ย Key Lime Pie.

(Not pictured: chicken breast, ground beef, orange juice)

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Showing 23 comments
  • Abbey

    Im a huge condiment person so last year when I tried this 30 day challenge mustard was a life saver! I put mustard on almost everything & it actually tasted pretty good! (Since mustard is the only condiment allowed haha)

      Olivia Rink

      JUST realized mustard was allowed – thank you Abbey!!

      • Amy

        I’m fairlg certain that Tessemae’s makes a whole30 complaint ketchup and mayo is allowed if it’s sugar free ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Mary

    First of all, I love this bra and bottoms! You look amazing already, so good for you! Two of my friends are currently doing the Whole 30. I need to try it after our baby arrives in April!!

      Olivia Rink

      Thank you Mary! It will be so good for you to do after the baby – I feel great so far! Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Marissa

    Just finishing up a whole 30 (I’ve done a few!). You wont regret it.Week one is the toughest, stay strong! My favorite blog post from the program is this day by day breakdown:

    The timeline is scary true and you’ll refer back to it multiple times, trust me ๐Ÿ™‚

    I also don’t believe larabars are whole 30 approved, sadly. But they are paleo. See this link:

    Lots of good bloggers out there to follow for inspo! Good luck!

      Olivia Rink

      Hi Marissa! Thank you so much for all the info. Checking out the day by day breakdown now ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Rachel Williamson

    You will be so happy that u decided to do while 30! I did it about 2 years ago and it forever changed the way it eat and feel!! Good luck, you will do great! Plan ahead and keep compliant snacks on you just Incase!

      Olivia Rink

      About to start week 2 and I already feel like it’s making me feel better! Thanks for the encouragement Rachel ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Shelby

    Would love to see some of the meals you make with your Whole30 groceries!!

      Olivia Rink

      I’ll be posting some on here soon! Thanks for reading Shelby!

  • Rachel

    I am going to try and convince my roommates to do this with me!! Thanks for sharing xo

      Olivia Rink

      You HAVE to do it with people, it makes it so much easier!! xo

  • Grace

    You are actually making me consider trying this!! I’ve always been skeptical too but I feel like it could help with skin issues I’ve been having and your groceries look like a lot of stuff I already buy. Thanks for sharing, I can’t wait to see your updates!

      Olivia Rink

      I’m going to do an updated post soon with my review of how I like it so far! Thanks for stopping by to read ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Megan

    Try Tone It Up! I love it and it makes me feel great

  • Cayla

    I’m so proud of you for doing a Whole30! I do one every January. The first week is always a bit…tough lol but not hard of course ๐Ÿ˜‰ but it all falls into place after!

      Olivia Rink

      It’s been an.. adjustment! Haha the cravings have been pretty bad during my first week, but about to start week two and hoping it gets a little easier! Thanks for reading Cayla ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Kristianna Lynxwiler

    Iโ€™m currently on day 11 of my first Whole30 – just a little ahead of you! Seriously, the โ€œTiger Bloodโ€ they talk about is no joke. Make it until day 10 and youโ€™ll be feeling seriously amazing! You got this!

    P.S. Just a little tip – if you cut up the aidells and cook it with eggs and sautรฉed onions, it is literally perfection.

      Olivia Rink

      Just had to google ‘tiger blood’ but I’m glad I did, haha! I’m on day 7 so almost there ๐Ÿ™‚ Love the tip about aidells, thank you!

  • Mary Elise

    Try making your own ketchup… HEAVEN. Tessamae’s dressing are also a total lifesaver.

    • Mary Elise


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